- 500 Ave. John Will Harris, Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00957
Ojo Prostético
Baja visión
Espejuelos y lentes de Contactos
Pruebas Electrodiagnósticas (ERG
Terapia Visual
Variedad de Pruebas especializadas.
Productos o Servicios
The School of Optometry provides a full four year-professional program leading
to the degree of Doctor of Optometry.
The program provides ample knowledge in its basic and clinical science
department and a patient care department in which primary diagnosis,
treatment and management eye care is emphasized. Graduates of the school
are eligible for licenses in Puerto Rico, all 50 states and The District of
Columbia and in many others countries around the world.
The Inter American University of Puerto Rico School of Optometry is one of the
few fully accredited bilingual (English - Spanish) institutions offering the
Doctor of Optometry degree.
The School of Optometry was founded in 1981 and the Doctoral Program in
Optometric Education was initiated. The School of Optometry has received a
license and accreditation from the Council on Higher Education in Puerto Rico,
The Middle State Association and from the Accreditation Council on
Optometric Education (ACOE) of the American Optometric Association (AOA).
The School is a member of the Association of Schools and Colleges of
Optometry (ASCO) in Washington, DC.
Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth of the United States - all Puerto Ricans are US
citizens. Puerto Rico is accessible from most points in the mainland by many
airlines, some with direct flights to San Juan.