- 200 C/marginal suite 125, Canóvanas, Puerto Rico 00729-4312
Horas de trabajo
Productos o Servicios
Ortesis para Adultos y Niños:
• Hechas a la medida
• Pre-hechas
• Zapato de Diabéticos
• Plantillas
• Botas Ortopédicas
Prótesis para la extremidad inferior:
• AK- Prótesis
• BK- Prótesis
• Foe Filler
- Aceptamos todos los planes médicos incluyendo Molina Health Care
- Tenemos financiamiento disponible
Métodos de pago
Advance Prosthetics is a company dedicated to the design and construction of prostheses with a wide range of movements, in order to restore functionality and independence to people who have lost some of their limbs.
The Advance Prosthetics team is dedicated and passionate about utilizing the most advanced limb rehab techniques to provide patients with faster and more favorable outcomes. We offer the best service, quality, we are ready to help you in your journey to freedom and recovery of limb loss.