Nadya Villalba Ramos M.D.


  • Pavía Medical Plaza - Suite 210 Calle Dr. Pavía 611, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00969


Productos o Servicios

  • Sus funciones son el diagnóstico, tratamiento y prevención de las enfermedades oculares, empleando para ello medicamentos, cristales graduados, intervenciones quirúrgicas, láser y todos los demás instrumentos de que dispone la medicina actual.

Ophthalmology is the medical specialty that studies diseases and eye surgery; In particular of the eyeball, its musculature, the lacrimal system, eyelids and its treatments. The specialist in ophthalmology is the only professional trained to provide all the care that your eyes require, from the simple prescription or adaptation of glasses or contact lenses, to complex and delicate surgical procedures. In addition the ophthalmologist may also be involved in scientific research on the causes and evolution of eye diseases and vision problems.

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