- Carr. # 165 Km. 2.7 Zona Industrial Amelia, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00966
Productos o Servicios
Productos, soluciones de construcción y servicios.
• Cemento
Ingrediente principal del concreto premezclado. Ya sea en sacos o a granel, CEMEX ofrece a sus clientes cemento de alta calidad para sus necesidades de construcción.
• Agregados
Compuestos de materiales geológicos tales como la piedra, la arena y la grava, se utilizan virtualmente en todas las formas de construcción.
• Pavimentación
Como el líder mundial en soluciones de pavimentación con concreto, ayudamos a conectar ciudades con sus comunidades aledañas a través de vías más seguras, duraderas, y energéticamente eficientes.
• Concreto
El concreto es un material compuesto por cemento, agregados, agua y aditivos como ingredientes principales. Entre otros productos y servicios especializados.
Métodos de pago
CEMEX is a global construction materials company that provides high quality products and reliable services to customers and communities in over 50 countries around the world, while maintaining business relationships in more than 100 nations. We work with dedication to develop and deliver the best solutions in cement, concrete and aggregates ... to be able to turn ideas into reality.
CEMEX Puerto Rico is the only producer and supplier of cement and concrete on the island. In addition, it is in the aggregate business, allowing it to be the complete solution for its clients. For more than 13 years it invests in the development and growth of Puerto Rico through its Island-wide operations and community impact initiatives. It employs more than 300 employees, who from their various jobs make their contributions to boost the construction of a better Puerto Rico. One of its products made in Puerto Rico best known and respected in the local market is the PONCE CEMENT, whether in bags or in bulk.